
Writing for Fun: The Rules of 5's

Today's Writing Assignment: The Rule of 5's.

In a search engine of your choice, enter a word with at 5 letters that starts with a p and ends with an s.
When the results come up, go to the 5th page, click on the 5th result. Copy the entire 5th full line of text (excluding headers, titles, etc) and paste it into your blog,

notepad, or where ever you prefer to write. Start your writing out by using the exact words you took from the webpage in the first sentence. You may not change the

order of the words or insert any words into the middle of the text. Continue writing for 5 full minutes. Where you go with this is not as important as how you get

there, and what methods and writing techinques you use to transition from some possibly obscure blub of text to something that makes sense, is interesting, and

possibly humorous.

For example, if the text you copy reads: hail to fire to see how they react," he told The Saginaw News. "One
You should begin your writing with something like this: We've gone from rain to snow, from hail to fire to see how they react," he told The Saginaw News. "One of

the most important things we discovered is that people prefer snow over hail and fire, because hail and fire can both hurt pretty bad."

At the end of your writing activity, include a link to the page where you copied the text. Post the entire thing to your blog, and please leave give me a link back as

the source of your "inspiration."

One way to find various words starting with p and ending with s containing exactly 5 letters is to use this crossword helper.

Mine ended up rather lame, and doesn't it figure that I ended up with a string of words that included G.W. Bush? Sheesh. But here it is...

I tried to get through to U.S. President George W. Bush moments before the ceasefire was to be put to a vote. I wanted to tell him why I believed they shouldn't fire anymore. He wasn't taking calls at the time, so needless to say, they voted against the ceasefire. The fighting will continue. Both abroad and at home. There's been huge disagreements between the members of my family regarding old Gdubya. I feel like he's not running his own presidency, but rather everyone else runs it for him. We all know he does not write his own speeches, but the funny thing is that he can't speak those speeches either. He has a knack for flubbing up words, and saying things that make no sense when they are put together in a sentence. Too bad I can't remember any of his famous quote off the top of my head. I would look them up, but that would take away from my 5 minutes of writing...

The word I picked was "piles" hoping it would give me some entertaining sentence... NOT. Anyway, I ended up on this page: http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=45405

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